Adaptation to a changing climate is now unavoidable. There is widespread agreement that the best way to organize climate change adaptation is to integrate or ‘mainstream’ adaptation objectives into existing policies for transport, agriculture and urban planning. This means that policy-makers and stakeholders jointly take responsibility to ‘climate proof’ these sectors. But does that work in practice? Our work in this area shows that, although in most cases sectoral policies contain explicit adaptation objectives, only in a minority of cases does this translate into concrete measures. In this lecture the problem will be investigated in more detail and some suggestions will be made to overcome the implementation deficit in climate change adaptation.
Professor Hens Runhaar is an Associate Professor of Greening of Public Policy at the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development at Utrecht University and an Extraordinary Professor of Governance of Agrobiodiversity at Wageningen University and Research.
This is a free event open to the public organized by UCC Climate Lab at the Environmental Research Institute, UCC.
All are welcome. Please register at link below.