Bike Week 22nd -30th June 2019

Cork Bike Week will take place from Saturday 22nd June until Sunday 30th June 2019. With events taking place throughout Cork City and County during the week long cycling celebration, this year promises to be the biggest and best yet with an ever increasing diverse range of cycling activities for people of all ages and abilities to take part in!

One of our favourite week’s to focus on travelling more sustainably, why not join in the activities and start your trip to a more sustainable commute – see what a difference it can make. 

Cork Bike Week is an integral part of the overall National Bike Week initiative and is organised by a multi agency group comprised of the Cork City Council, Cork County Council, Cork Sports Partnership, HSE South-Health Promotion Department, Cork Cycling Campaign, Cork Environmental Forum, UCC and An Taisce. We still have very low numbers commuting regularly by bike so need to get more of you on your bikes and what better time to start cycling again than during Bike Week 2019.

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