Vision and Mission

Our Vision

The Environmental Forum’s vision is for a sustainable world which prioritises environmental quality, protects and restores habitats and biodiversity, where consumption and economics take cognisance of the limitations of our one planet and where there is a fairer and more equitable share of the earth’s resources.

Raising awareness, providing information and opportunities to engage in activities that support the achievement of Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (2015) is a key feature of our work and is particularly relevant in the delivery of the Global Action Plan Greener Living Programme.

Participation, awareness and education about sustainable development and how communities can be part of the process are ongoing elements of all our activities and actions. We strive to bring an environmental perspective to policy and do this through submissions and representation e.g. on the Public Participation Networks, Strategic Policy Committee and other local and national fora.

Our Mission

Working for a better environment for all